About Me

I like this section, no one ever comes here and actually reads it. I could say I'm a unicorn that lives in the Scottish highlands and weave my yarns from the magical forest creatures and no one would ever know!

However, on the off chance you actually are interested in me and my yarns here you go...


Let me just get this straight from the off. I am and always will be a huge advocate of people being whoever the hell they want to be. It's non of my business what anyone wants to identify as, how they live their lives and what they care about. All that matters to me is that if I interact with someone, they are kind, friendly, open and hopefully treat people with respect no matter who they choose to be. Also, I'm an atheist liberal snowflake hippy. Not sorry.


The Life and Times of Emily Bannister

That's me! Let's see now, what would you want to know? I'm in my EARLY 40's, with a *not terrible* sense of humour, I can be pretty loud at times when I get over enthusiastic and I ALWAYS have music on somewhere, even if it's just playing in my head. 

I live with my amazing and supportive husband Marc (with a C!) and our son Charlie (12) who has unforgivably not inheriting my love of puns, but is incredibly funny in his own unique way. We've recently moved from North Manchester to our forever home in a small country village in Cambridgeshire and I am beyond happy here.

I am lucky enough to now have my very own dye room, an office and a separate stock / packing room. I am absolutely living the dream and cannot wait to watch this business grow and grow with yarn everywhere you look.

I am a serial hobbyist and throw myself into all sorts. I've always been a massive geek at heart. I've been reading fantasy books since I can remember, I'm a long time LARPer, board gamer, D&Der, avid watcher of cult/ superhero tv and film etc etc. 

I'm also an eco crazy, passionate gardener and nature lover. Everything I do, I consider the environmental impact and if I can make a better choice. I suffer from anxiety and being in the garden filled with sunlight, beautiful flowers and just listening to the birds brings me such a sense of calm and peace. Plus the beautiful flowers are a wonderful source of colourway inspiration! 

My life is mostly filled with laughter, colour, music and joy! A lot of that is thanks to every single person who has ever purchased from me and allows me to keep doing the most wonderful job in the world and be amongst the best community there is. xx

Dyeing Yarn - A Rhapsodye History

I started learning to crochet when my son Charlie was born and I was trapped at home in a cycle of bedtimes, boobs and boredom. After joining ALL the crochet Facebook groups I started seeing lots of beautiful hand dyed yarns. Maternity pay doesn't go very far, so I decided to give it a try myself. One 'dyers starter set' later and I was absolutely hooked (get it?).

My first skein was a rainbow (of course!) I started selling a few skeins here and there and it grew to the point I was being asked if I had a business page. So I had friends and family take samples and test and such for me, so I could be sure I had learned enough to make a good product. Then I set up a Facebook page and here we are almost a decade later. I love it more now than ever, though ironically I now have little time to crochet or knit!

Since then I've expanded into designing apparel and such for all you fibre artists. I am absolutely loving exploring a new creative side of me, and the opportunities to make unique designs that people identify with is very exciting! 


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